Week 11: Society and Purpose - Design and Development

Research Task:

Carefully consider your target audience and key stakeholders for both of the outcomes in your submission.

  • How is your work intended to engage with this demographic? Do you feel it is successful in doing so?

  • Which areas might you develop in order to ensure that your final piece is communicating effectively?

For this project, the target audience is aimed at 18-30year olds with a keen interest in wildlife and outdoor recreation. I feel the application Wentwood Wander meets this criteria. In my design I have attempted to design a modern user interface (UI) that has similarities to other mobile applications. In addition to its design I feel the application features also meet with its target audience, offering the ability to use aspects like AR, take photos and share these on social media.

In addition to its target audience I also feel the application meets with its potential stakeholders, evidence to support this can be seen below from a questionnaire provided to a local business owner.

In terms of areas for development in the app. I feel the AR events side of the application could have been developed and made clearer , as this has not been detailed through the Studio Practice enough. My ideas for interaction with the public to raise awareness of the forest could be enhanced by an AR (Augmented Reality) evening and night time sessions, such as at halloween time ‘spook nights’ where witches and ghosts can pop up in the forest. Bat recognition evenings can be advertised where AR will identify bats which are recalled on the phone. Workshops held by local businesses could give short courses in willow weaving (for example bird feeders) and at Christmas time even larger willow projects such as Reindeer weaving would generate income both to the local businesses and Wentwood forest. Tree hugging experiences are becoming more popular and forest yoga.

All of these events will be advertised by a push notification to a users using mobile device via the app.


Week 10: