Week 10:

Research Task:

Explore examples of multidisciplinary projects where designers have worked with non-designers to address a local and / or societal issue.

  • Consider how this example attempts to communicate with local audiences.

  • Reflect upon how intercultural learning and communication is addressed within this project.

Humanitarian Design:

Designers often partner with humanitarian organizations and NGOs to develop solutions for communities affected by natural disasters, conflict, or poverty. These projects involve working closely with clients to understand their needs and develop appropriate interventions, such as campaigns, social media assets, or print-based media.

Above is an example of designed report for Unicef detailing the Teacher workforce in Botswana. This is great example of a piece media where it required a variety of roles with different disciplines. From photographers to provide imagery, copywriters to write the content required and editors to proof the facts. with all of these efforts combined the designers’ role is then to produce a report to fit around the brand of Unicef. Matching the typography, colour etc…


Week 11: Society and Purpose - Design and Development


Week 9: Society and Purpose - Service Design and Saving the World.