Week 5: Competitive Context


In the first week of lectures for the new brief Industry Sets, creative practitioners offer insight into identifying, developing, project managing and delivering industry projects.

On reflection, of the information provided by the various studios, it's clear to see that each practice has its unique approach that shapes its work.

Torsten from FELD Studio for Digital Crafts in Berlin emphasises the importance of diversifying project domains and continuously exploring new areas to keep the creative process fresh and stimulating.

On the other hand, Accept & Proceed in London appears to be focused on using design as a force for positive change, collaborating with like-minded clients and engaging in self-initiated projects that align with their values. The emphasis on responsible design and proactive involvement in current market events demonstrates a strong commitment to making a meaningful impact.

Meanwhile, Studio Dumbar in Rotterdam and Eden Spiekermann in Amsterdam seem to prioritise organic growth and the evolution of their expertise through client work. By concentrating on specific industries and leveraging their existing knowledge, they are able to deepen their understanding and provide more advanced solutions tailored to their clients' needs.

Overall, these studios showcase different yet equally effective strategies for approaching design projects. Each approach reflects the unique vision and values of the studio, emphasising the importance of staying true to one's creative identity while adapting to the evolving demands of the industry.

Research task:

Before selecting a brief for the second section of this module, I took time to read and reflect on each of their context.

Each brief is very different and provdes unique opportunity to engage with.

Below are my thoughts on each of the four brief options:

Brief Option 1:

Research and Development - Science Museum

This brief offers a valuable opportunity for students to collaborate with the Science Museum and contribute to the presentation of its extensive digital archive collection. Designers are encouraged to create innovative visualisations and user interfaces that cater to a global audience interested in science, history, and culture. The emphasis on ethical codes of conduct and audience needs ensures that the design solutions align with the museum's values and accessibility requirements.

Brief Option 2:

Global Competition - Live

This option provides students with the chance to participate in live briefs from organisations such as Creative Conscience and the RSA. These competitions encourage the development of socially valuable and human-centred design solutions that can have a positive impact on communities and the world at large. By engaging with these briefs, designers can contribute to real-life projects that address pressing social and environmental issues.

Brief Option 3: Global Competition - Concluded The opportunity to work on concluded D&AD New Blood briefs allows students to engage with past projects and explore the diverse challenges that the advertising and design industry faces. By examining and responding to these briefs, designers can gain insights into effective problem-solving strategies and enhance their understanding of the creative process within the context of the industry.

Brief Option 4:

Collaboration - Live

This option encourages students to collaborate with existing contacts, clients, industry partners, or professional bodies to develop and deliver creative projects. By engaging in this collaborative process, designers can explore innovative and entrepreneurial approaches to graphic design, regardless of their partner's background. The emphasis on effective communication and regular contact with the collaborator ensures that the project progresses smoothly and aligns with the module's deadline.


Overall, these brief options provide diverse opportunities to engage in real-world projects, apply design skills, and contribute to meaningful and impactful initiatives in various industries and contexts.

My chosen brief:

Brief Option 1: Research and Development Science Museum

Initial aim:

In this brief, I aim to produce a set of different methods for guests of the Science Museum to interact with their collection of artefacts. By designing and developing a clean UI and utilising methods of 3D rendering. It is hoped this collection of artefacts will be seen in a completely new and explorative way.


Week 6: Brief and Strategy


Week 4: Outcome & ambition