Week 12: Outcome and Ambition | Project story, evaluation and conclusion

Research Task:

Overall I felt the project aimed to showcase the Science Museum Group’s Mobile Phone collection through a creative marketing campaign, using social media and large outdoor installations. This offeres a unique opportunity to contribute to the presentation of the museum’s large digital archive.

The project aligned with the Science Museum’s ambitious digitisation project, aiming to bring a quarter of a million items online in the next two years. By focusing on young adults (18-30 years), interested in science, history, society, and culture, I felt the campaign targeted a global audience unfamiliar with the physical museums of the Science Museum Group.

This project helped me design new solutions for presenting information related to the digital archive collection. I managed to produce assets provided by the Science Museum Group, where I could develop visualisations, user interfaces, and exploration tools to enhance the audience’s engagement with the digital collection. In addition to this, I was also able to provide a call to action for users to book an experience with the Science Museum Group with the aim of boosting visitor numbers.

The emphasis on interactivity, animation, and machine-generated elements aligned with the Science Museum Group’s exploration of visually-based interfaces for a more immersive discovery experience.

The campaign prioritised the needs and constraints of the target audience, ensuring that the solutions were accessible, engaging, and aligned with the interests of young adults.

Utilising social media and large outdoor installations as key channels for the marketing campaign demonstrated a strategic understanding of reaching a diverse and potentially global audience. The combination of digital and physical platforms aimed to create a multi-dimensional experience, enticing curiosity and exploration.

I my opinion I believe the marketing campaign has successfully highlighted the Science Museum Group’s Mobile Phone collection, showcasing the diverse range of artifacts through an imaginative and audience-centric design solution.


Week 11: Design Development