Week 8: Building New Models and Tools for Future Practice

Research Task:

  1. Reflect on the viability of your draft proposal.

Creating an inclusive platform that brings together designers from various specialisms and facilitates collaboration on projects I believe sounds promising and highly viable.

Implementing an algorithm to enable easy searching that connects with professionals possessing specific design expertise is a valuable feature. This approach can significantly streamline the process of finding the right collaborators, saving time and effort for creatives seeking assistance or partnership in their projects.

By bridging disciplinary boundaries through this platform. Designers and creatives of all disciplines often work on their own. This cross-pollination of expertise can lead to innovative solutions and fresh perspectives.

By bringing together creatives from diverse cultural backgrounds and experiences, the platform can become a hub for fostering creativity, diversity, and inclusivity. It would create opportunities for designers to connect with peers worldwide, promoting cultural exchange and understanding.

However, to ensure the success and sustainability of this platform, several factors need careful consideration. The user engagement and retention will be critical. The platform must offer compelling features, easy usability, and a seamless user experience to keep designers actively participating and collaborating.

A marketing strategy will be necessary to attract a critical mass of users to the platform. Building a vibrant community requires a sufficient number of active users willing to collaborate and engage.

Below are a series of sketches outlining a rough wire-frame idea for my collaboration tool.


Week 9: Core Characteristics, Ethics and Theory


Week 7: Approaches and Strategies for Working Today and Delivering Creative Services