Week 1: Planning, Strategy and Management | Philosophies, Roles and Approach

I have been so excited to start this Module of the MA course. The thought of being able to work for yourself has always spurred me on to keep working hard at what I do. I Believe I have somewhat of an entrepreneurial spirit in me.

During lockdown in Covid, I began my journey as a freelance designer setting up my business inc.studio.

During this time I learnt a lot of lessons and it was soon very clear that I lacked a lot of business skills. By taking part in this module, I am hoping to get more insight into the fundamentals of running a graphic design related business. I also hope that this module will provide me with business ideas that break the mould of what is considered as a modern graphic design business.


In the first weeks lecture of this module we are presented by leading professionals in their fields. Each of which having a different focus and approach to graphic design.

They answer the following questions:

  • What do you think are the essential logistical and practical requirements to set up a design studio / business?

  • Tell us about your first studio space: How did you find your first studio?

  • What is the one piece of advice you can offer about running a successful studio?

Simon Manchipp | SomeOne

“Starting a design studio should not be done lightly”.

It was nice to see a familiar face from the last Module. Simon Manchipp is a designer I look up to a lot and aspire to be like. Working on large brands at a global scale.Their first studio came from humble beginnings, literally starting in their bedrooms.

Their first expansion was outside a bus stop at the Zephyr Hotel in London, where the team could access free WiFi. It was refreshing to hear Manchipp’s take on running a graphic design Business today.

His bluntness was good to hear. Stating that if your going to be running a design studio, you’re probably only going to be spending 10% of your time designing and the other 90% running a business.

A piece of advice Manchipp also gave out was how crucial cash flow was. Like with any business without much money in the bank you can only go so far.

Manchipp also mentions how the clients are key, you should always try to over deliver on a project. Never not produce something you’ve offered to a client.

Sarah Boris

Similar to Manchipp, Sarah Boris also shares the same views. Finding a studio space is not essential until you are financially stable.

Before making any decisions Sarah expressed that it’s important you should be up to speed on spending. You need that financial cushion for unexpected spending. For instance a computer that might need replacing.

Sarah also expressed how important it was to situate your business around other like-minded creative people.

“It’s important to be surrounded by peers that can help you evolve your business and inspire you”.

Julian House & Adrian Talbot | Intro Design

Adrian Talbot and Julian House both explained the qualities a good graphic designer should have to run a successful business.

Adrian Talbot states that ultimately you need to be a good designer because if you’re not your going to struggle running a successful business.

I disagree with this notion as I don’t feel there is such thing as bad design. There are different types of design to suit other audiences. In running a business, I think what matters most is that you are ultimately courteous and polite to the client who is paying for the job.

Sam Winston

Sam explained how important it was for him to build out a business network of creatives who he can depend on for work. Then once you have your business network set up you should be open to skill swap.

“Offer as much service as you can do to keep your business afloat”.


Interview with Gem Barton: Author of ‘Don’t Get a Job, Make A Job!

It was very inspiring to hear Gem explain how she would approach this weeks challenge.

Gem expressed that it is important to be honest with yourself and to understand the position you’re in. By being honest we are more open to understanding our capabilities.

She also notes that by determining the position you are in, it is then more easy identify what you want to change about it. I agree with this notion completely.

When asked about what tools or advice could you offer in relation to developing skills in planning and strategic thinking for professional practice Gem highlighted that the Princes Trust being one of the options.

After spending some independent research on this, I had noticed the Princes Trust offers business plan templates for young entrepreneurs. This is definitely something I will be utilising for the business plan section of this module.

Workshop Challenge:

Reflect again on a range of studios, individual practitioners, businesses and brands that inspire you. Consider on your own positioning as a designer alongside these examples.

SomeOne in London

Headed up by Simon Manchipp, Gary Holt, David Law and Laura Hussey. SomeOne is a world leading design agency. Specialising in inventing brands and re-inventing brands.

The clients in their portfolio are some of the most well known companies around. Their most notable piece of work involved creating the brand identity for the London 2012 Olympics, the logo design was made by Wolff Ollins. Their most recent work involved the brand of TGI Fridays, now known as Fridays.

“Over the past decade we’ve heard businesses ask us the same question, ‘ I know we need to change, I know you can make things attractive, but how can we make it stick?’ This conundrum is the biggest strategic challenge facing modern brands and SomeOne’s specialist subject”.

With their Headquarters based in Shoreditch, London. Someone also operate globally with additional offices based in Surry Hills in Sydney.


Founded by Jonathan Ford and Mark Branson, PearlFisher are another Design and Brand strategist agency. PearlFisher are known for creating and building some of the world’s best known and loved and brands. These include Cadbury Dairy Milk, Waitrose, Green & Blacks and Jamie Oliver.

There most notable piece of work was creating the brand identity for innocent drinks. PearlFisher helped Innocent Drinks develop an identity that was more reflective of their playful fun-loving personality.

They have won many awards along the way for their design effectiveness including a Gold Cannes Lion Award.

With offices based in London, New York, Copenhagen and San Francisco, PearlFisher work with clients around the globe to help them achieve their branding goals.

PearlFisher operate in a very similar way to Someone. As a branding agency, PearlFisher operates by working closely with clients to understand their needs and goals. They start by conducting research to gain insights into the market, target audience, and competition. From there, they develop a strategic brand identity that is reflective of the clients’ values and personality. Throughout the process, they work closely with the client to ensure that their vision is being realised.

Apple Inc.

Apple Inc. is a technology company that has become a household name around the the world. Known for its innovative products and sleek design aesthetic, Apple has revolutionised the way we interact with technology.

What I love about Apple Inc. apart from their products is the culture they have evoked through the years. It’s oddly become a sort of cult. To have an Apple product you feel like you are part of an elite group. Their marketing campaigns show of values and traits of inclusivity, positivity and well being. They want you to have a great life or at least they want their products to let you achieve that great life. Whether this is academically using a MacBook for University work, Physically if you are using an Apple Watch for Fitness, or mentally if you are listening to some music through Apple Music on your Apple AirPod HeadPhones.

Apple are a very clever company and know what they are doing when it comes to marketing, design, research and developing new products.

Myself, inc.studio

As a freelance designer with 4 years experience in graphic design , I believe I have unique positioning compared to branding agencies like SomeOne, PearlFisher and Apple inc.

Whilst these companies agencies have larger teams and offer a wider range of services, my experience as a freelance designer allows me to provide a more personal approach to my clients on a one to one basis, providing customisable solutions that are tailored to their specific needs and budget.

I believe my  experience in graphic design also provides a strong foundation in visual communication, which is a crucial element of branding identity. Overall, I believe my positioning as a freelance designer offers a unique perspective and skill set that sets me apart from larger branding agencies.


Week 2: Business Models, Studios, Estimating, Invoicing and Budget Management