Week 4: The Self & Identity.


I really enjoyed this week’s challenge, I found it a great opportunity for me to share my top values as a designer, and how I think these words are important in modern design. From an original list of twenty words the most prominent were as follows:

Typography | Technology | Ethics | Culture | Collaboration | Branding | Colour | Structure | Balance | User Interface Design

From this list, my five chosen words were the following below:

Workshop Challenge | 5 word mood board


I chose technology due to the fact that it is constantly evolving and thus changing the way we work, learn and connect with each other. Ever since 2007, the launch of the iPhone, this one device (one idea) has opened up a whole new window of opportunities. It has introduced trends like the selfie and Apps that not only enrich people's lives but have also opened a new area of design such as that of UI. Social media has paved the way for a new style of marketing, we can learn, grow and start a business from the comfort of our own bedroom. What does the future hold? It’s an exciting thing to think about, with technology evolving so fast only more opportunities can be made available, especially in design.


It’s so important in this day and age to be culturally aware in design. A designer, has a responsibility to show an understanding of different cultures, and being culturally aware can make a more versatile designer.

“Social and cultural differences around the globe can often inspire new design trends and innovations in the industry. Most of these trends stem from a lack of inclusivity in existing designs. Your designs would are more likely to be a success if you can accommodate the maximum number of people, irrespective of their gender, race or age” (Hazari, S. 2022)


Without teamwork new ideas wouldn’t be born. It’s important to work together as it builds up confidence and team morale, it also tests us as individuals. By working as a team you're having another set of eyes, so to speak, seeing your work in another light, this can help with project improvement and development.

“You can invite any experts who will look at the situation from the other side to improve your project development. Don't be afraid to ask people do that – your product will be better”. (FlowMapp, C. 2021)


Structure is important to me in all aspects of life, not just design. It helps me in my day-to-day as I like to plan and manage my time effectively, setting checkpoints to reach throughout the day.

In design, structure is also important as not only does it help with providing consistency in work, but it also helps with layout and hierarchy, two crucial elements of graphic design.

This challenge gave me a chance to explore the core values I was trying to convey in my brand. After reviewing the look of my brand, I realised there was not much explanation of who I was, where I was from, or even why I am a designer. I took note of this and began to develop this into my final piece.

For a time, the original look I had, served a purpose, that of showing my portfolio. This style worked well, as I wanted the focus less on myself and more on my work, however, I soon realised the key thing to mention was myself as this is a main selling as my values and ideas need to be conveyed to the client.

Create a single visual expression that conveys you (eg a film, 3D, typographic, an artefact or an experience).


  • Hazari, S. (2022) Why should you consider social and cultural contexts in your designs?: London College of Contemporary Arts, LCCA. LCCA. Available at: https://www.lcca.org.uk/blog/graphic-design/why-should-you-consider-social-and-cultural-contexts-in-your-designs/ (Accessed: February 20, 2023).

  • FlowMapp, C. (2021) Why is collaboration important in design?CeylanCeylan, Flowmapp. FlowMapp. Available at: https://www.flowmapp.com/blog/qa/why-is-collaboration-important-in-design (Accessed: February 20, 2023).


Week 5: Thoughts on ideas.


Week 3: The effect of globalisation on design.